Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The other lover....

Dear Blogger and internet people-

I've been cheating on you with Facebook and I apologize for not spending equal amounts of time with you. It's not you, it's me. I don't want to break up or anything, I just need you to be patient until the newness wears off of FB. It's been magical though, getting reacquainted with old friends, college roommates, former classmates, my cousins who live far away and even some folks I never really was friends with. I'm a bit nosy and perhaps voyeuristic because I just browse around peeking into their lives that they've posted on FB. Reading about what they've done with themselves and looking at their photos. Most people either look the same or have put on a few pounds...and most of them have kids in the pics with them so I feel a little behind in my baby brewing endeavors. Frankly, I've been shocked by some of the people that have sent me "friend requests." Seriously, people I never hung out with. Anyway, I promise to make an effort to spend less time there and hopefully more time here. I'd really like to snazz this place up a little bit but I'm not super techy so I don't know how to install a cooler banner or anything.

And, do any of you know how to go about getting a Copyright? Thanks ahead of time!
See you soon internet friends!


The W.O.W. factor! said...

LOL!You CAN't break up with this here Gramblog!!

My kids are hooked on Facebook too. They've shown me all the 'reconnections' they've made and told me I should create an account. Heck...I get lost in Blogland, my house suffers, and don't dare take on anything new!
You need to create one of those countdown calendar thingies here...I can just pop in while you are "cheating"...and keep track of the time until the big day!!
Hug the Girlie Belly for me!

Sarah said...

That's the thing Barb,
I don't know how to install something cool like a "countdown calendar." If you know how to do it, I would love to know.

Amber said...

Hey- I am so NOT an expert, but I can maybe help with the countdown calendar thing. Just find one you like online, and you will need to copy the html code. Then in your blogger layout you can click on "add a gadget" then you can pick the HTML/javascript gadget and copy the html from the countdown calendar thing into that gadget... if you have any questions feel free to e mail me: careandfeedingofwildthings (at) gmail (dot) com

Annie Wicking said...

Stay with us... we all want to know what happens next...

best wishes, always


Sarah said...

That's what I'm talking about! Some serious instructions! I'll give it a try today! Thanks!


I just stumbled across your blog and read your Mar. 3rd entry. I have not worked in five years and felt so guilty about not having to work. I love my life but I do not have an agenda. I spend every morning from 8:30-1100 hrs. doing easy morning chores, watching some of the Today show, Regis, The View and AMC soap and exercise. I usually do not get showered and out of the house until 2-3pm. It is hard to try to get up earlier to get more out of my day but this is what works for me. We just got the Wii and now that takes up my time. I got more done when I worked!!! Enjoy it!!!

Sarah said...

Thanks for the words of support Lisa! By the way, Bruiser is adorable!